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Preview of how photo additions look like?

Posted by mbudget on 13 April 2020 - 13:58:00
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi there,

I'm new on here. I also take photographs of spotted planes, so I'm interested in how the feature of adding photos looks like (are there thumbnails? how does an entry look like with a photo?). However, I don't want to sign up for a premium subscription just to check how it would look like, so are there any previews, e.g. screenshots?

Thank you and kind regards, Magnus

Premium Posted by Erazkiel on 13 April 2020 - 18:29:17
Local Airport: VAF

Easy, if you subscribe, you will be able to upload your own photo. Just avoid too heavy pics, but basically you can upload what you want. If you are the first one to upload a pic of a plane, it become the "profil" pic of the plane. It's very very easy. After that, you have a new part to "manage" your pics.

Let me know if you have more precise questions.


Posted by mbudget on 14 April 2020 - 07:50:08
Local Airport: Not specified

Hi Erazkiel,

Thanks for your reply. I was more interested in how it appears on the website. Will it be thumbnails in the list, similar to e.g. airliners.net ? Or completely different?


Premium Posted by Erazkiel on 14 April 2020 - 09:52:26
Local Airport: VAF

Both, Here is an example of a pic I loaded.


When you click, its thumbnails but if you scroll down to the maps and where plane has been seen, you will see a small camera icon and if you click on it, it will open in "big". And on my side, because, it's my picture, in my menu photo, I have thumbnails for all of them and same thing, if I want it bigger, I can click on it.

Is it helping?

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