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Site Update - And A Little Background

Admin Posted by nighthawk on 10 April 2023 - 10:36:36
Local Airport: CAX

First of all an apology to anyone that's had any issues over the last week with their premium account expiring.

This was caused by an update we made last week to our payment processing system. While it initially seemed to be working perfectly, it later started rejecting payment notifications, therefore causing premium accounts to expire.

This was first reported on Friday at around 14:00.

Unfortunately, with it being easter, I had finished work and left to spend time with my family by the time these reports came in. We then received a few nasty messages from users over the weekend furious that the issue hadnt been fixed immediately.

I want to take this time to explain some background on the running of this site. Planelogger is not run by a multi million pound company with teams of programmers and call centre staff on standby. Planelogger is developed, supported and maintained by ME and me only. In my spare time - of which I have very little these days. And on a budget that barely covers running costs, let alone leaving room to pay for employees and support.

Can I request that we please bear that in mind in future? When issues are reported I'll endeavour to fix them as quick as I can, and I always aim to give the best level of support I can offer.. but sometimes life gets in the way, especially over holidays such as Easter.

If you do experience an issue, please email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as its possible to do so. If it's outside of office hours, weekends or holidays, then you may need to wait until the next working day for a response - my family and friends come first, and I'm not prepared to sit at the dinner table ignoring family while I respond to support requests on here.

Again, apologies for the inconvenience - but please be patient, report issues to us by email, and we'll get them fixed as soon as we can.

Oh, and if you're not already a premium member, you can help us by upgrading. The more we earn, the more we can invest in the site and help devleop it in to the ultimate resource for planespotters. :-)

Thanks, Gavin Coates

Post Edited By nighthawk on 10/04/2023 - 10:40:45
Premium Posted by flinty268 on 15 April 2023 - 10:32:08
Local Airport: FAB

Thanks for the insight Gavin, you do a great job keeping the website going. Thanks for your time, this really is a great resource to us.

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