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Type Field models for Updates

Posted by jetwashphotos on 15 April 2016 - 15:33:22
Local Airport: YYZ


Just wondering if I/we could obtain a list of the models used in the "Type" field?

I would like to send in some updates for logged sightings (for 400+ Red reg's) and would like to assist by providing them with the correct consistent type.



Admin Posted by nighthawk on 15 April 2016 - 20:19:56
Local Airport: CAX

Hi Stephen,

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you clarify please?

We have a list of all tracked aircraft types, available here: https://www.planelogger.com/Aircraft

beyond that, we don't really have a list, but we try to follow standardised naming conventions as defined by the manufacturers of each type.

Posted by jetwashphotos on 15 April 2016 - 21:21:01
Local Airport: YYZ


Yes, the list show the tracked types, but not the actual type used in the table type column. Here is a type extract from my sightings:

501 Citation-I/SP

525A CitationJet II

525B Citation-Jet III

550 Citation-II

560 Citation-XLS

690C Turbo Commander Jetprop 840



Challenger 300






Gulfstream G550



I was hoping to be able to provide my updates in an easy consistent format for the updaters. Thus a list of the types used would be helpful.



Admin Posted by nighthawk on 18 April 2016 - 10:59:49
Local Airport: CAX

Ah right, gotcha. We don't have a list for that unfortunately, and there are quite a few inconsistencies in terms of naming in the database. We try and use standard notations where possible, and use a best guess when not obvious.

If you can send your updates through in any format, they would be greatly appreciated - the data editors will be able to translate the model/types based on what they have used in the past for those aircraft.

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